Saturday, March 30, 2019

Book Review - The Scent Keeper by Erica Bauermeister

As I turned the last page I thought - oh! I was not ready for this story to end. This is the story of Emmeline and her extraordinary gift of scent. From her first memories, she lives with her father on an island like a castle; surrounded by water and sharp sided cliffs that descend only to the ocean. From time to time she and her father venture to the island's lagoon, and the crashing waves outside the barrier rocks scare her. Her father teaches her to forage for or grow all of their food; berries, mosses, crabs from the lagoon, seaweed, mushrooms, and even pine for tea. Now and then magic black plastic boxes wash up into the lagoon - shoes that magically feet her feet, a rain coat, other small treasures; once a goat Emmeline names Cleo appears and becomes her first best-friend.

Emmeline's father, John, spins fairy tales from an old treasured book as well as his imagination, and he created a magic wall of drawers, each containing a wax sealed bottle, each with a small white paper curled inside. Now and then her father opens one of the bottles and Emmeline recaptures a moment from their past through the scent released. Emmeline is a unique individual. From her father she inherits her love and knowledge of nature and scent as well as the gift of an enchanted childhood. In her life after the island she learns love, trust, hard work and loyalty from Henry, Collette, and Fisher. In her late teens she finds even more about herself and the person she wants - and does not want - to be. This is the story of magic, mystery, love, loss and coming-of-age. It is beautifully written, as I have always found to be true of Erica Bauermeister's writing. My only complaint is that I wanted more; I want to know what becomes of Emmeline in the next portion of her life!

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